
About Me

I'm Keaton, I live in the Pacific Northwest and I like computers. Previously, I wrote internal software for a manufacturing company; before that, I was a graduate student in audiology.

I'm a longtime GNU/Linux user and Free software aficionado. I use Debian (unstable) as my main daily driver distro. I also used Arch Linux for a stretch, and will probably return someday.

I'm on mastodon and github as well.

About the Site

This site is generated with Zola using the no style, please! theme (plus some light CSS tweaks). Source is available here.

Everything here is under the Creative Commons Attribution License unless stated otherwise. That means you can do whatever with it, so long as you credit the original somehow.

Questions? Comments? Bug reports? Just enjoy the thrill of sending an email? You can email me about the site at mail@implicit.computer - or anything @ implicit.computer actually, it all goes to the same mailbox.